Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Routing in Networks

Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Routing – In today’s modern era, the presence of internet technology greatly facilitates various human activities, now on the internet there is a supporting hardware component called a router. This device shares a network configured to the user’s device wirelessly or wired to connect to the internet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Routing in Networks

You need to know, that the network is composed of various types of computers and smart devices that can communicate and be connected to each other. Connections in this network are commonly referred to as network links. Of course, in the network, some computers act as clients and servers as the network control center.

Definition of Static Routing

Static routing is a method or protocol in a network whose role is to manage routes and inter-network traffic processes originating from servers. This routing process can occur when a router processes a data packet and moves it to another router.

In the process, the router device will use the IP address to share data packets with each connected device to avoid conflicts between devices (collision).

Routing Types

When viewed in terms of the process and the type of routing, routing is only divided into two different forms. Among them are:

1. Static Routing

Static routing is a type of routing that runs manually, this process requires the assistance of a special administrator and operator whose job is to monitor and run the server of the router.

2. Dynamic Routing

The next type of routing process is dynamic routing. Just as the name suggests, dynamic routing is a dynamic routing process in which each router device will be connected to each other and be able to communicate with each other in arranging routes to be passed automatically.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Static Routing

Following below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the static routing process in computer networks that you need to know, including:

Advantages of Static Routing:

1. The routing process can be monitored easily.

2. Can detect errors and various errors in the routing configuration quickly.

3. Higher level of security than dynamic routing.

4. Routing management process that can be done easily by the operator.

Disadvantages of Static Routing:

1. Very difficult to implement in large-scale networks.

2. Requires operators and administrators with special skills who understand computer networks.

3. The process of editing data in the routing table needs to be set manually one by one.

4. Has a configuration that is quite complicated compared to dynamic routing.


Finally, this is the discussion I can share about some of the advantages and disadvantages of static routing that you need to know.

Halim Media

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